My Optimal Body – EBook
My Optimal Body

My Optimal Body – EBook


My Optimal Body – Preview

This resource is an evidence-based hybrid weight-loss plan that is built on the principle of continuous calorie restriction, intermittent fasting and exercise. These principles have been shown to contribute to effective body fat loss, improved body composition and better health outcomes. It is designed to help you achieve the following:

  • Develop a lifelong healthy eating,
  • Develop and enjoy a healthy lifestyle,
  • Drop unwanted weight permanently,
  • Maintain a healthy weight afterwards,
  • Improve body composition and overall health

What you need to know 

Excess body weight puts you at increased risk for a range of chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and psychosocial syndromes which could considerably reduce your quality of life.

Seven days meal plan towards my optimal body

DaysBreakfast (150-250 Cal, 5-17gms protein)Lunch (300-350 Cal, 15-17gms protein)Supper (550-600 Cal, 35-40gms protein)
Sunday1 serving of fruit, 2 servings of ……………….Shakes prepared with…….. Steak & veggie stir fry rice

140gms grilled …………………

MondayProtein ………………..


1 serving of ………………..Braised lamb & mashed or boiled potatoes

150gms braised ………….



This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Alketa

    Hello Debbie, I want to compliment you for creating this helpful guide to have an optimal body. Your mission in helping us to have healthy nutrition and body seems realized in this guide. I think that your guide can help me to lose healthily some kg that I gain so fast during the last year. I think that is a hormonal change that impacts my weight. And following a structured guide can help me to resolve this issue. I’m going to share this article with my sister, too.

    Thank you for sharing



  2. Debbie Kupolati

    Thanks Alketa. I am glad you find the resource could be useful to you. It definitely will. I encourage you to get the eBook, you can reach me through my personal contact inside the book for further assistance. 

  3. Nelson

    This a great. A book that serves as a practical guide to sustainable weight loss will come in very handy. I love reading and I am quite eager to know the contents of this book and in due time take advantage of the information and knowledge this books stands to deliver. Sharing this with my friends won’t be a bad idea.

    Please, Is this book available on Amazon?

  4. Parameter

    Thank you for this guide on weight loss, my optimal body. I always look forward to shedding some fat and maintaining it. Every time I subject my self to some form of exercise I shed weight and after a little relaxation, I begin to gain weight again. I hope I will be able to find help in this book 

  5. caro

    Hey there!

    This Ebook; a practical guide to sustainable weight loss is extremely an amazing one. It is super helpful as well because excess weight deprive people of enjoying a good health. If this guide can really help people achieve a sustainable weight loss, then many lives will be indebted to the author. People will forever be grateful.


  6. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Carol, thanks for your comments on the Ebook; My Optimal Body – a practical guide to sustainable weight loss. Feel free to recommend it to your friends and families who need assistance with weight loss. I will be happy to provide further assistance as needed. My contact is within.

  7. Debbie Kupolati

    Yes, Parameter, I am sure you will achieve your weight loss goal with the Ebook and keep the weight off permanently. Go on get your copy, follow the guidelines / meal plan and share with me your experience after 3 months. Good luck.

  8. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Nelson, You will do yourself a whole lot of good getting the Ebook and sharing with friends. It is available for purchase through Gumroad, by clicking on the “I want this” button. I will be glad to assist you further if needed as you embark on your weight loss journey using the Ebook; My Optimal Body.

  9. caro

    Hello there!

    That is a very unique and helpful resource you provided there. I got more interested to read through when I saw that the principles shared in the guide will help to achieve effective body fat loss, improved body composition and better health outcomes. I thought it very beneficial because I have a friend who suffers from excess weight, I believe I can refer her to this Ebook.


  10. Nelson

    Thanks for this brief insight on what to expect inside the Ebook; My Optimal Body. You have done well for writing a book that is focused on giving guidance and tips on healthy eating, not to mention the numerous articles you have written on the same topic. I am positive that buying your Ebook will definitely not be a waste of money. Pls, is this meal plan applicable for those with medical conditions?

  11. Shavo

    One of the things people sort out for mostly online is how to lose excess weight and that is why this kind of resource is very essential to help us reach our body weight goals. My Optimal Body as presented is a very good ebook and it is very resourceful to those who are in need of shedding excess weight. I strongly recommend it, thanks for sharing.

  12. Ann

    After these months of staying at home with reduced activities, I need to start continuous calorie ristriction. And a friend gave me a very good report of her experience following My Optimal Body. To have better health outcomes we need to take care of our diet and exercise. I am excited about getting started with this and would like to follow My Optimal Body as my friend did.

  13. Nelson david

    For me, By making some small changes to your daily routine, you can safely lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in just one month, hitting your weight loss goals quickly and easily, But as we all know all this won’t be easy like said but one very important thing we need to put in mind is that one has to be consistent to be able to achieve this.

  14. Debbie Kupolati

    Thanks for your comments, Nelson. While it is great to achieve your dream weight loss as fast as possible, it is healthier to keep it gradual and steady. A consistent reduction of 2 – 3kg per month depending on your starting point will be fine.

  15. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Ann. You will be glad you avail yourself of the benefits the Ebook offers. I will be glad to give you after-sale assistance should you need it when you start your weight-loss journey using the Ebook. Good luck.

  16. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Nelson, thank you for stopping by. The meal plan is for those who are desirous of shedding excess weight. If any of such is living with a medical condition, it is advisable to consult with his / her doctor before embarking on any weight loss plan.

  17. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Caro, great to know that you find the Ebook a useful resource. You will do well to share the Ebook with your friend.

  18. Lana

    Hi there, thank you for this resource; My Optimal Body with nice content and great experiences. I thought this one is for gaining weight, but clearly, I am wrong. I am looking for gaining weight instead of losing it. I kinda underweight from the anorexia phase which I experience recently. But since I have some friends that want to lose weight, perhaps I can recommend the Ebook for them.

  19. Cynthia

    Debbie, thank you for offering this resource at such an affordable price! At the price of a fast-food meal, there’s no reason not to take advantage of the offer. With so many people struggling with living a healthy lifestyle, it’s nice to see something that is straightforward and sensible to help with the battle.  The bottom line is that we all need to put in the work if we expect to live a good life.

  20. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Lana. Thanks for stopping by. I understand your situation with wanting to gain weight rather than losing weight. It is important that you gain healthy weight. I have addressed this in a post where I shared my personal experience. Please check it here –

    I will be glad to help you further if needed.

  21. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Cynthia. Yes, the cost of the EBook; My Optimal Body – a practical guide to sustainable weight loss is made that low for affordability. Feel free to share with your friends.

  22. TECH RVL

    I just wanted to say thank you for doing the research needed to help improve our bodies. I subscribed to your mailing list for more information, and am extremely interested in your guide for weight loss. It’s awesome to have the expertise of a certified P.H.D. looking into matters in an unbiased and empirical manner. Kudos, please continue the good work.

  23. Lizzyben

    Hi Debbie! This is really thoughtful of you coming up with this idea to get a healthy weight loss. Weight loss journey has been very serious for some individuals. Developing a resource that contains the “safe haven” to healthy weight loss would mean a lot to people like us. I really want to get this, how do I go about it, please? 

  24. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Tech, I will be glad to assist you in your weight loss journey. You will have access to my contact in the Ebook. 

  25. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Lizzy, Get your copy of the Ebook by clicking on the “I want this!” button. I will be happy to provide further assistance in your weight loss journey using the resource. 

  26. Lisa

    I have noticed over this last year that I have gained weight steadily, I’m pretty certain it’s because of the menopause, I have never had a weight issue before. This Ebook looks very interesting. I particularly like the fact of not only losing weight but keeping it off completely. That is the bit most people tend to struggle with. Do you need a different diet plan when you are going through the menopause?

  27. Debbie Kupolati

    Hi Lisa. You don’t necessarily need a different diet plan when going through menopause, however, embracing healthy eating comprising a variety of fresh foods rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-quality protein and adequate intake of water can help to reduce the severity of symptoms. The meal plan in the Ebook is tailored to weight loss. 

  28. Maureen

    Hello there! thanks for developing this resource and sharing the information with us. I work with a health and nutrition company and what we do is that we show families how they can use their everyday food to prevent lifestyle diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, ulcer without the use of drugs or supplements. So I really believe in nutrition, because it helps in staying fit. This Ebook will be a great resource in helping people who are struggling with excess weight to get it off and stay healthy.

  29. LineCowley

    This is a very helpful guide to sustainable weight loss. I fully agree with you that if you carry excess weight, you have a higher risk of diseases like diabetes and heart disease. To manage your weight over the long term, you need to follow a diet plan that is sustainable and this book will certainly help everybody who wants to shed excess weight and keep it off permanently.

  30. Rachael Olusegun

    I just got a copy. So looking forward to dig in. Thank you for making this available for healthy living.

  31. Thank you for providing us with this Ebook on My Optimal body. I believe in nutrition, it is really way to go when one wants to maintain good body fit and healthy life style. The Ebook will really be a great source for people that are having challenges with excess weight.

  32. Shaina Dumphy

    One thing’s for sure, never take weight loss supplements as
    substitute for cutting calories without the doctor’s recommendation.

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